Know & Go Webinbars

Essentials Series

The Essentials Series is about building a collaborative and informed community wanting a healthier and resilient Great Barrier Reef by presenting regular 'Know & Go' webinars covering the 'essential' information you need to know about the Reef Credit Scheme. We look forward to having you join our next Essentials Series webinar.

Unpacking the Reef Credit Scheme, 22 March 2024

Learn how leading experts and innovative landholders work together to deliver positive environmental change for the Great Barrier Reef.

Discover how the Reef Credit Scheme is funding best practice land management activity to improve the quality of water entering the Reef catchments and the health and resilience of a favourite Australian natural icon.

Presentation slide pack is available here.

Beyond the Horizon: Advancing the Reef Credit Scheme, 18 April 2024

Following a comprehensive review of the Reef Credit Scheme, learn about the proposed suit of amendments to enhance the Scheme’s accessibility, address some barriers to participation, and foster greater interaction between supply and demand.

The proposed amendments to the Reef Credit Scheme are currently open for public consultation, from 8 April to 7 May 2024. 

Presentation slide pack is available here.